Lenox Daytime

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Bowery Daytime

Wooden Blue Blockers
KUGO Glasses
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Product description:

Lenox styling classic was designed by KUGO, another classic round styling type whose history comes way back to the 1960s. 

When we look back to 1960, this model was very popular at that time. We believe in saying- OLD, BUT GOLD, and this is exactly our Lenox model.

If you are a fan of atypical frames, then this is the perfect choice for your eyes. Very unique-looking glasses with round glasses and a specific oldish frame.  

Oak Wood:

Compared to other types of hardwood, oak wood is the most resistant to weather conditions, which is why its properties have been sought after for years. A unique feature of oak wood is its reaction to moisture and water due to its durability. Due to the closed-cell structure, Oakwood withstands the alternation of humidity and dryness. The most important properties of oak wood are strength, adequate hardness, and, of course, durability, which has always been an important criterion.

Walnut Wood:

Walnut wood is firm, hard (only slightly softer than oak wood), but at the same time flexible, well-shaped, and considered very valuable. The color of the wood has the privilege of multicolored drawing - a white-gray color with yellow spots in the white, while the core is dark brown to dark red and markedly separated from the white.

With an emphasis on human origins and natural circadian rhythms, KUGO lenses come in different variants, each one serving its purpose.

KUGO 400 - Sun lenses, blocking 100% of the UV light under 400nm. Basic protection during the day.

KUGO 450 - Yellow-tinted lenses, reducing 80% of blue light up to 450nm-460nm. The essential blue light protection during the day. The lenses eliminate the blue light peak we get from digital devices. KUGO 450 lenses are revolutionary lenses that positively impact the lives of people all around the world.

KUGO 550 - Red-tinted KUGO lenses, blocking 100% of the blue and green light up to 550nm. Wearing KUGO 550 lenses 2 - 3 hours before bedtime makes you fall asleep instantly. By blocking the spectrum, it supports the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, even if you use digital devices. To ensure a good night's sleep in the digital age, red-tinted KUGO 550 lenses are the must-have lenses for everyone.

As all the KUGO models, Lenox comes in the beautifully hand-made KUGO wooden case together with the KUGO cloth.

Lenox, the ultimate model, is designed just for you.

For prescription orders, the KUGO team needs to know your exact eye measurements. After concluding your purchase, our team will get back to you with the request to provide us with the correct pupillary distance (PD), power range, and cylinder measurements.

Grab your Lenox today!

Product dimensions:

KUGO Blue light blocking natural wood glasses Lenox – dimensions

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

Ako asi každý dnes, aj ja sa častokrát musím večer povenovať nejakým dôležitým veciam, ktoré som nestihla cez deň, a tak otváram mobilný telefón alebo notebook. Keďže mojim veľkým problémom bola nespavosť, na ktorú nezaberali ani lieky, začala som sa zaujímať o prirodzený spôsob ako prinavrátiť organizmu rovnováhu tým, že znovu nakopnem tvorbu melatonínu v mojom tele. Zistila som, že skvelým riešením je nosiť okuliare so žltými sklami, keď už denné svetlo nahradí umelé. V prípade elektroniky sú okuliare vhodné aj cez deň. Pozoruhodné je, že môj zrak natoľko scitlivel, že modré svetlo vyžarujúce z notebooku ma už otravuje, a tak automaticky nasadzujem žlté sklá, ktoré vyžarovanie zjemnia. Som tak trochu popleta v tom, že mi občas niekde okuliare spadnú a som milo prekvapená, aké sú odolné a že vyzerajú stále ako nové. Som veľmi vďačná za tento vynález, ktorým si skvalitňujem život modernej doby. Odporúčam všetkým nespavcom, opuchnutým očiam, či komukoľvek, kto chce myslieť na svoje zdravie skôr, ako sa mu prejaví nejaký problém!

Skvelá blokácia okuliarov + vhodné aj do spoločnosti

Osobne som za posledné roky vyskúšal veľmi veľa okuliarov, od lacných po drahšie a musím povedať, že okuliare KugoGlasses spĺňajú všetky podmienky, aké by kvalitné okuliare mali mať a naviac sa skvelo hodia aj medzi ľudí, do spoločnosti. Na výber majú viac variantov skiel, blokácia je taká, ako uvádzajú (podľa meraní spektrometrom), majú skvelý dizajn, pekné a drevené vyhotovenie a ako ďalší benefit pre mňa bol, že vďaka dreveným rámom skvelo držia na hlave a to aj pri prudších pohyboch. Určite ich odporúčam!

Effective and comfortable solution

These glasses helped me solve my insomnia problem. Since wearing them, I naturally go to bed earlier and I don't feel so tired during the day. The glasses are stylish, beautiful and lightweight. The view through the yellow glass has a very calming effect.
Thank you very much for this solution.

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